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Six Words You Need To Eliminate From Your Professional Vocabulary

We all want to be perceived as eloquent and professional as we are. Whether it’s through emails, phone calls, meetings or even interviews. That is why you should begin eliminating these words from your professional vocabulary.

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Sorry. How familiar does this sound – “Sorry, Friday I can’t.” You see everyone should stop apologizing for anything they’re not really sorry for. Instead you should offer a solution or counterpoint: “Friday is booked for me. Are you available Y or Z?” – and save the apologies for when you mean them.

Things. This is the most valueless word you could possibly use, why not use a more descriptive and meaningful expressions? Instead of asking “How are things going with the project?” Try “Can you share an update on how the project timeline is progressing?” Which is more clear and will likely give you the real answer you need.

Honestly. Many people use this word, nothing quite wrong with it. However, beginning a sentence this way can give the impression that maybe your previous responses weren’t so honest.

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Just. Another simple word which is often used but rarely needed. Detracting from your confidence and credibility as well as negating from the importance of your message. Instead of beginning a sentence with “Just wanted to check in…” use “I’m checking in on X,Y and Z.” The play is simple but the difference is big in the resulting impression you leave.

Hopefully. That’s a favorite, don’t hope – deliver. Instead of “Hopefully, we’ll hear about this by Thursday,” you should say “I asked for an answer by Thursday morning, and if I don’t hear back, I will follow up.”

Speech disfluencies. You’re not alone, everyone has these – it could be an ah, um, like, right or ‘You know what I mean.’ These are used to fill up dead air, and they are the exact formula to kill credibility, which is why you must avoid them.