
Destiny 2 Fans Praise Primary Weapon Ammo Change

Months after the change went into effect, fans of Destiny 2 are praising's Bungie's decision to change primary ammunition to an infinite.

Guardians kept coming into issues with Destiny 2‘s beefier monsters and minibosses. If they weren’t at the right power level or in an intentionally challenging playlist activity, they’d eventually run out of all ammo types and be forced to make some decisions that didn’t feel great, if they had a choice, in the hopes of killing everything around them or contributing to team DPS. This was a problem unique to Destiny 2, as Destiny did have a resource called Primary Ammo Synthesizer. However, it was underutilized in that game because primary ammo drops were plentiful.


Bungie modified this in Season of the Lost, making primary weapons have a limitless supply of ammo. The move is now praised because it no longer causes Guardians to flee the fight, especially in time-sensitive or purposely difficult missions such as Nightfalls and Grandmaster Strikes and Dungeons. Fans are flocking to the r/destinythegame Reddit sites to applaud the quality-of-life choice and reminisce about the game’s prior blunders.


The initial post was posted by Reddit user destinyvoidlock, who praised the choice to give primary weapons infinite ammo and the consequences it has had on the game’s most tiresome interactions. According to one complaint, the Wish Wall in the Last Wish Raid is no longer an issue since the mechanic, which required precision shots at the wall, would drain the weapon’s reserves, leaving them unprepared for the forthcoming fight. There is now some leeway if Guardians miss or need to repeat a cycle to obtain the necessary symbols to fulfill desires.

According to some comments, the endless ammo update appears to have aided bows in particular. Because bow ammo had naturally low maximum reserve numbers, missing shots with bows were always expensive. Primary bows now have one less obstacle to use as a result of the adjustment. Infinite ammunition also appears to resurrect previously reviled exotics.


The Sweet Business, Rat King, and Fighting Lion are frequently mentioned in the discussion. They were either dubbed “joke weapons” because to their previously meager supplies, or just “bad” because they weren’t really useful in-game. Some Guardians who simply want to have a fun weapon in their primary slot for a time can now use these weapons for a spell and then switch to something else later, because another disadvantage of restricted primary ammo was that they all used the same reserves.


Because of the ammo change, high-rate-of-fire submachine guns and full-auto sidearms can be employed more frequently. Overall, increasing the ammo reserve to limitless encourages both fun and variety in Destiny 2 load-outs.